
I really have no idea what to write here...
Just discover the site.

SeppiaNet eMail

I host a personal full featured email service with a few domains available. Please write for more informations.

I also provide a webmail service for my domains:


I use, support and, when I can, contribute to, open and free projects and software solutions. This mail server is powered by Postfix/Dovecot and Rainloop, and everything is constantly kept up to date and configured to enforce security. You can find here the suggested connection parameters.

Tentacolous Cloud

I host and instance of Nextcloud too. Here you can find the most cuttlefishy cloud in the whole net.


Seppiofish XMPP

Mail is right but instant messaging is quite handy nowadays, so here it is an XMPP/Jabber service powered by Prosody.

You can find more informations here:



You can contact me by email or just visit my personal website and projects!
...there is not much anyway.